I am the user

her visceral invocations/incantations annihilate my

self in a glorious tirade, a torrent of organs and

muscles and veins and skin, she separates my

precious flesh from my bones, she examines it with

detachment but does not cast it aside, she makes

contact, inserts her biology through the surface

tension of my skin and plunges deep into the

seething bile, she strips away the final vestiges of

my constructed body and picks clean the bones,

she wraps her insidious words around my feverish

brain with her thousand arms, she is gentle arid

violent, with her perfect peripherals she dislodges

my databank from the occipital cavity and downloads

digital propaganda direct from her fiber optic

nerve center, she corrupts me. she scorns my

debility, pronounces me weak, she laughs at my

desire to collapse into familiar flesh, her blasphemy

Is cleansing and transcendent, she the high

priestess the mistress of disgust takes my heart,

punctures the sentimental aorta, whispers her

lovehorror into the drained chambers, she speaks in

flaming tongues that I sometimes understand, she

presents me simultaneously with no alternatives and

many alternatives, she tells me my only hope lies

beyond the coded skeleton, she offers me no clues

and no comfort, she is uncompromising in her

demands. I must form a body of difference. I have

no maps. I am undone. I do not know myself the

future is bleak. I am afraid but I AM INFECTED BY