In the spaces between words she searches for clues.

Pathways into the cyphered heart of Big Daddy.

The virus of the new world disorder takes on the

transglobal fathernet of power and ambition.

Dirty work. For slimy girls.

Replicating her way through the Shadow's dingily

seductive maze of data massage parlors. Freezers

and Hots, Gen was inevitably reminded of Circuit

Boy, a.k.a. Mission Improbable. Boy w a s rapidly

losing his promise as an easy route into Big Daddy.

Maybe he w a s just a mindless technobimbo, a

limbless hole, good for a quick buttfuck or alpha

exchange and not much else, a s the Cortex Crones

had predicted. Well, she'd suck on his memory some

more, hardwire his balls and then see what else the

Zone could offer.

Suck, flick and split, as the Sisters say.

Any mission has its highs and lows, but this particular

quest had been stranded on a barren plateau of

spaghettied code and deviant data for too long. Dry

and chaotic when she needed wet and elegant.

Big Daddy w a s becoming more ethereal with each

transaction (the mythology expanding exponentially).

His constructs were more ambiguous, more resistant

to the mercenaries of slime.

She considered that an impasse is merely a state of

mind and that with a subtle cognitive shift she could

locate more yielding data. A shift is a s good as a

holiday and she w a s overdue for some bonding with

her sisters in slime, the lusciously wet DNA Sluts.

Although it had been a few weeks since she had

bonded with the Sisters, Gen knew how to find them.

She calculated . . . it was after midnight. . . they were

true children of the Zone . . . one perfect environment

. . . the Alpha Bar.

The Alpha Bar. The place for transgressive time out in

the Zone. Provocative. Pornographic. Perverse. Her

kind of place. Her kind of constructs. Every child

player wins a prize.

Leaving the Shadow, G e n self-replicated through the

Zone's biomembraned back blocks and reached the

Alpha Bar in record time. A s she'd determined, her

Home Girls were well represented at the bar.

Beg, Bitch, and Snatch were in a dark place,

superbonding with some exotic tribal constructs. The

feathers were flying.

Cunt was giving a couple of the Zone Boys a hard

time about something, probably Smarts. She never

could say no to drugs and rough Zone traders had

their own perverted appeal for Cunt.

The Princess of Slime w a s visible by her absence.

She was probably grinding her way through her

favorite bar. The Space with No Face, followed as

always by her acolytes. Fallen and Abject.

Sublime w a s blissing out on Dance, bonding to the

rhythm, sliming to the beat.

As for the other Sisters, where they were and what

they were doing w a s anyone's calculation.

Recreational options in the Zone were plentiful and

diverse; Sex, Trance, and Dance the most favored.

Sliding through the press of bodies, constructs, and

grams. G e n selected one of her favorite bonding

booths, placed her hand on the palm code reader

and entered. It was a booth Japanese, fitted out with

futon, screens, antique pillow book, incense. As she

had a rep for being the hottest bioconstruct on the

block, the strangest attractor, she never had to wait

long to replenish her slime banks.

She had transmutated into an Hispanic model of

human female, optimized for the slime exchange. Gen

pleasured herself, familiarizing her sensors with the

cool olive languidness of the body she had chosen.

A screen by the door displayed the image of a visitor.

Mistress Beg. Requesting entry. The door opened.

Silk ropes in hand, the Mistress of Detestable

Pleasure approached Gen. Beg's method of bonding

was dangerous, addictive, and severe. Activated by

stored memories, Gen's slime levels began a slow


The screen flickered on again. A geisha construct

with a tray of sake and sashimi. S h e entered. Placed

a redly laqueured tray on the low table. Served the

sake. Waited. B e g instructed the geisha to return

later, when her help would be required. Cruel

anticipation. Gen's slime bank shivered to another

level a s the geishacon scrolled out.