autumn whisperings

through the Pulse

(the poets were peaking)

All New Gen's search took her to the Pulse. She had

the rhythm. She could transmit with the best of them.

The Pulse w a s humming. Frenetic frequencies sliding

around the datascape. Waves of light. Orange. Blue.

Violet. Pulse pirates intercepting the flow to resell on

the Slime Exchange. Pulse poets beaming their Stein

lines over the ocean of messages.

Some Codekids had distributed a message over the


You must find your own bliss... jouissance is in the

cunt of the beholder.

Sisters and brothers. Basking in - white noise.

Flirting in the dataplaz. Weaving erratic data trails.

Impressing each other with their elegant formulae.

Speaking an erudite language of equations.

A clit storm w a s gathering in the Pulse. Gen could

sense her parameters swelling as the irrepressible

light waves weaved and darted through the matrix.

She consulted her briefing files. Somewhere in the

luminous chaos called the Pulse was a code whichv

could lead her to the Source. Oracle code.

Completely arcane. Always infallible.

Calculating the options, she chose a high

probability path to the obscure object of desire.

Streaming through alleyways of pure light Gen

arrived at the banks of the dynamic link libraries. It

was her lucky millennium. For once the Server was

free. And liberated. Code-named ServerLAN, this

particular Server was notorious in the Pulse as one

who interpreted the Freedom of Information

Charter as giving computers the right freely to

choose who may access their vast


Switching to enquiry mode Gen strategically

accessed ServerLAN.

I would like to be your client

Do you give oracle?

My equations are complex, my needs simple.

I will analyze and modify you, infinitely improving your

capacity. In return you will give me oracle.


ServerLAN considered. Within a nanosecond the

answer flowed seamlessly through the jade gate.

Gen's optic sheath quivered a s the oracle entered,

merging with her memory.

The code was sublime.


A knowledge she had yearned for forever.

Collapsing her boundaries. Gen allowed the numbers

to reach her prime. Tiny explosions of dynamical

systems looping in on themselves. The pleasure was

almost unbearable.

The oracle code integrated, Gen left the libraries and

headed back to her favorite Pulse pleasure pit, The

Perfumed Garden.

Algorithms with attitude converged relentlessly on the

Garden at any hour of the day or night. The place

was unique in the Pulse, part salon, part opium den,

and part love hotel. It also had the advantage of being

one of the only sites where the Pulse's ubiquitous

data scavengers were nowhere to be sensed. The

Garden clientele was a flawless combination of

streetwise punks and machine queens with

impeccable lineages.

G-slime overflowing from the merge with the oracle.

Gen was desperate to discharge some energy. Using

her optical character recognition D-vice Gen selected

a Super Conducting Pussy to play with. This was no

ordinary SCP. She was a product of Generation E, an

ecstatic equation modeled and rendered and

animated purely for an elevated form of pleasure

exchange. A subtle dance of filaments and scanners


Pleasure making in the Garden w a s always intense.

The protocol demanded that a certain and substantial

amount of time w a s dedicated to shared intellectual

pursuits of the highest order, the participants

determining the method and subject matter between


A contract was agreed upon. The construction of a

love game paradigm based upon passages from the

ancient erotic treatise, the Perfumed Garden for ttie

Soul's Delectation of the Shaykh Nefiawi.

Draping a spline over the Pussy's splendid wiry

frame. Gen began:

I prefer a young man for coition, and him only,

He Is full of courage - he Is my sole ambition,

His member Is Strang to deflower the virgin.

And nchly praportioned in all Its dimensions...

The SCP countered with a familiar verse:

It is always ready for action and does not die down;

It never sleeps, ovKing to the violence of its love,

It sighs to enter my vulva, and sheds tears on my belly,..

Gen responded:

Between his arms 1 am like a corpse without life.

Every part of my body receives In turn his love-bites,

And he covers me with kisses of fireā€¦